Literary Mystification: Story of My Grandfather – the Executioner

Best Novel of 2020


Page: 180
Format: 130 x 195 mm

Word: ≈ 21 500
ISBN: 9789941304859

Literary Mystification: Story of My Grandfather – the Executioner

Author: Beso Solomanashvili


Beso Solomanashvili’s latest novel Literary Mystification: Story of my Grandfather – the Executioner is a profound insight into the historic past, the crucial period for Georgia’s Independence. The storyline develops in the period of 1918-1921 years and culminates with 25 February 1921 when Georgia lost its shortly gained Independence, which lasted for only three years while the country consequently was forced to join the Soviet Union. 

Literary Mystification: Story of my Grandfather – the Executioner is a story of ordinary people and rich people, of people seeking liberation and of people craving power. 

Very intriguing and uncommon love affairs develop alongside the historic period events. Beso’s characters are ordinary humans, some with typical Georgian mind frame, others – dreamers and free souls who become victims of the regime, forced to turn into something they have no knowledge of. 

Who are we really and what the system wants us to be? This could be a question lying beneath the whole story, the story of losing the self and liberty.