

Page: 115
Format: 110 x 170 mm

Word: ≈ 11 000
ISBN:  9789941236594

T-H-E  O-T-H-E-R  W-A-Y

Author: Ekaterine Togonidze


Instead of letters, sculptor Alexander sees black worms and newly born snakes, but never catches their meaning, He is not familiar with the Braille Alphabet either. Everything is chaotic for him, so he chooses the other way. One day Nia, a young journalist visits him to record an interview but the process leads the couple to a fatal accident. 

T-H-E-O-T-H-E-R-W-A-Y was first published in 2011 as a short story and was awarded SABA and BSP awards. Later Ekaterine Togonidze developed it into a novel. 

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Language Territory Publisher
German World Septime Verlag